Guest Blogger: Fancy Ramen
Guest blogger! My lovely d-i-l Raven is sharing her Fancy Ramen recipe. My version didn't compare to hers (even though I followed the recipe!), but I'm going to keep working on it.
Fancy ramen is very measure-with-your-heart and toppings can change based on taste and ingredient availability, but here's how I usually do it:
Ingredients for 1 serving:
- 1 pack of chicken ramen
- 1 egg
- garlic powder
- onion powder
- fish sauce
- garlic chili oil (can also diy some by heating a tablespoon-ish of neutral oil, garlic, and red pepper flakes)
- lime juice
- mushrooms
- green onions
- shredded Mozzarella (only if having without broth)
1. Once the water for the ramen comes to a boil, add the sliced mushrooms and the noodles and boil per package directions (3 mins for my usual brand)
2. While that's boiling, in your bowl, mix 1/2 of the seasoning packet, garlic powder, onion powder, fish sauce, lime juice, chili oil, and the whites of the green onions
3. Once the noodles are done, the mushrooms should be cooked. Drain water to your desired broth level (keep a couple spoonfuls even if you aren't having broth because it makes the seasoning easier to mix in evenly) and add the noodles and mushrooms to your bowl and mix well to incorporate the seasonings
4. If you're adding cheese, do that ASAP so it can mix and melt well
5. You can fry, poach, or soft boil the egg, but my favorite way to have it is frying the egg white to put on top and mix the raw yolk straight into the noodles
6. Top with the greens from the green onions
Ta da! Fancy ramen.
Other toppings I've added when available:
- bok choy, thinly sliced/shredded cabbage, or thinly sliced/shredded brussel sprouts (add at the end of boiling to wilt just a smidge without losing crunch or turning to mush)
- kimchi (mixed in at the end or on the side)
- sliced white/yellow/sweet onion (boil with mushrooms & noodles)
- fresh jalapeno (at the end)
- Chicken (rotisserie or boiled & shredded has always been the most convenient when I've made it) [you can also use a different flavor packet like beef, pork, or oriental and add whatever protein you feel is appropriate, however I personally don't recommend the beef packs for the way I make it. I was not a fan. I haven't tried the others, though.]
New tip for fancy ramen - if you don't like when the noodles get mushy (like if you leave them in the broth too long), cook them for only 2 minutes.
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